Movies within movies

All the movie projects that you create in Avid Studio appear as assets in the Projects branch of the Library. But the purpose of Library assets is to serve as the ingredients of movies. What will happen if you try to drag Movie Project A onto the timeline of Movie Project B?

The answer is simple enough: As with most types of assets, Project A becomes a single clip on Project B’s timeline. From the standpoint of timeline editing, it behaves just like any of your other video assets. You can trim it, move it around, apply effects and transitions, and so on. (The same is not true of disc projects. These cannot be used as clips in another project.)

Nevertheless, a copy of the internal structure of Project A remains intact inside this container clip, along with all of the project’s clips, effects, titles and other components. What’s more, if you double-click the container clip or select Edit movie from its context menu, a subsidiary Movie Editor opens in a new window to let you work on the ‘sub-movie’. Any modifications you make affect only the copy of the project inside the container clip, not the original.

The length of the container clip on the timeline of the main project is not tied to the length of the sub-movie on its own timeline. Extending or shortening the sub-movie in the nested editor does not alter the length of the container clip in the parent movie. You need to manually trim the container clip if you want it to match the duration of the sub-movie.

Movies within movies