Audio creation tools

The Movie Editor provides two authoring tools that allow you to build your own soundtrack rather than depending solely on Library-supplied media. Both tools are accessed with buttons on the toolbar above the project timeline.

ScoreFitter is Avid Studio’s resident composer. You can use it to generate either incidental music or a full background scores for your production. ScoreFitter music clips can be of any desired length, and take only seconds to specify and create in the style of your choice. By default, a ScoreFitter clip exists only within your project, but you can also save particular music selections to the Library for re-use.

Avid Studio image001 Audio creation tools

Just above the timeline in the project editor, the ScoreFitter button (under the mouse pointer) and voice-over button (far right) provide access to tools that let you author new audio material.

The voice-over tool lets you record live material – vocal or otherwise – using a microphone attached to your computer. Its most common use is for voice-overs and narrative tracks, but you can record any sound at all, providing it can be produced on cue. The tool creates an audio file that is automatically imported to the Library then added to your project at the scrubber location. The clip is added to the special voice-over track rather than the current track as with other media types.

Locating the Library asset

As mentioned above, a new Library asset is created each time you make a voice-over, and one can optionally be created from ScoreFitter as well. In both cases, a new button appears on the the Library footer bar.

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A new button is temporarily added to the Library footer bar when a new ScoreFitter or voice-over asset is added to the Library. Click the button to locate the Library folder containing the asset.

Click the button to navigate in the current location tab to the Asset Tree folder where the new item is stored. The button relates only to the operation just completed, and is removed after a short time.

ð The Voice-over tool

Audio creation tools